September 19, 2017

California Skies and Icons

I spent the weekend with my younger daughter, Marie. I only see her a few times a year because she lives on the West Coast.

This Bob's Big Boy restaurant is one of the few still around. Built in 1949, it has a state historical site designation!

On Saturday we drove up the Angeles Crest Highway and down through the Tunjunga Canyon Road. That wasn't our planned route back but the road was blocked by an accident and emergency equipment so traffic was re-routed.

Big Tujunga Dam
Since I'm joining Tom's Tuesday Treasures today, I'll show another treasure: the iconic Hollywood sign. Other tourists were taking pictures too, of course. The glamour of the Hollywood idea inspires people to pose.


  1. ...we had a Becker's Big Boy in the '50s in Rochester, NY. I sure would love to see the Hollywood sign. Thanks Linda for stopping by.

  2. How nice to spend time with your daughter.
    I liked your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  3. How fun - time in Cali with your daughter!

  4. Gostei das fotos , linda a da barragem de Tujunga
    Morar longe da filha não deve ser bom , eu sentiria muitas saudades!
    Mas quando se encontram deve ser uma festa! bjsss


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