September 16, 2017

Just Deer.

If you go up to Skyline Drive on a regular basis, you will see a deer, maybe several! This one is wearing a tracking collar. At least it isn't as bulky as they used to be

Dickey Ridge Picnic Area


  1. I have always enjoyed watching deer at dusk whenever I am in a place where that is possible. You got some good photos, especially the last one!

  2. Hello,I love seeing the deer at Shenandoah. We 5-6 deer the last time we were there. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Lovely photo of the deer. We see them here sometimes. Recently I saw a family relaxing on the front lawn of a house - that is NOT a usual sight!

  4. So nice to see these photographs - lovely deer.

    All the best Jan

  5. Your deer pictures are special. The last couple of times I have been up there, I haven't seen any deer. So good to see they are around still. We probably go at the wrong time of the day.

  6. You did well to snap these shy creatures!

  7. the deer looks great in black and white toens. Even with the tracking device :)


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